1. Basic 2 Report Review

Updated review to include line chart images

Fixed issue where PaO2 stayed the same on reports of previous cases.

2. Registration Process

Reviewed and updated both client and server portion of registration process

3. Live Line Configuration

Added option to clear the live line value when the pump is turned off.

Added option to include line chart on event log process.

Add ability to specify high and low values.  Only use the "warn" levels so far and use them on the chart.

4. Event Log

Display line charts for configured live line items.

Use high and low warning levels as "green" range on chart.

5. Speech Recognition

Require saying "PDS Listen", "PDS Start", or "PDS Begin" to enable speech recognition.

Allow saying "PDS stop" or "PDS end" to disable speech recognition.


This is a test only release.