(812) 535-3333


Release 2020032601 TEST

1. Program Updated install URL 2. Event Log Screen Line Charts Fixes for when there were not good numbers Update for proper display of calculation line

Release 2020022601 TEST

1. Security Updates Sign all assemblies so they cannot be altered Change update link to use SSL This is a test only release.

Release 2020022501 TEST

1. Basic 2 Report Review Updated review to include line chart images Fixed issue where PaO2 stayed the same on reports of previous cases. 2. Registration

Release 2020020501 TEST

1. Basic 2 Report Added table that shows calculations added to event log Added table that shows all calculation details (shows at end of repor) Added

Release 2020010701 TEST

1. Speech Recognition Speech log shows at bottom of Event Log Live line can be navigated by saying “next” and “previous” Text starts as being